Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally completed my Stereophonics photo album!

Wonder Ballroom

My weather videos with my new digital camera

This was right after a really fast and hard hailstorm. It created a river in our apartment complex.

This is looking down from my balcony. All of that is hail!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Trip to Portland, Oregon

Well I finally took the time to work on and finish my web photo album which can be found here:
Portland, Oregon

Saturday, August 2, 2008

M*A*S*H Mistakes

I have been watching a lot of MASH lately because I recently bought this with my mom for my birthday.

I have taken some screen captures using my DVDrom drive and here are the very obvious mistakes I have caught so far:

"Depressing News" Season Nine

It is so obvious!!! How did anyone not notice? Maybe Alan Alda wore them all the time when they were not filming so no one thought twice about them. You'd think he would wear something less obvious just in case he was caught but apparently not. They look like they are Converse which are similar to these ones:
It says these are steel toed from 1975. The Converse logo on Alan Alda's though seem to be all white and his seem to be dark blue mixed with a lighter blue. This picture was taken from WorkingPerson.

"The Yalu Brick Road" Season Eight

This is where you can see the shadow of the boom mic in the lower right corner of all these shots. During the episode you can see it move around so these screen captures don't do it justice.

"Fallen Idol" Season Six

Gary Burghoff's left hand. This isn't a mistake since Gary Burghoff was born this way but sometimes he didn't seem to hide it at all. Of course I never noticed it when I was younger watching the reruns. I never even knew about his hand until much later.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Stereophonics perform in Portland, Oregon

My mom and I have tickets to the Stereophonics concert in Portland, Oregon on the 19th of September!!!! Her boss has paid for our trip and the concert!! I can't wait!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ministry C U LaTour!!

Here is my review (of sorts) of the Ministry concert on 14 April 2008

Hardly anyone was there at the beginning and they let us in relatively early (in my concert experiences). First up was Hemlock. They weren't too bad. The lead singer liked to play with his dreads a lot and would hold up his index fingers on either side of his forehead (like little devil horns) and go "wheewh!" It was funny. I can't believe they have been around for 15 years and just got a record deal last year. That sucks and is cool. Next up was Meshuggah and I didn't like them at all. The lead singer did everything in slow motion and he kept on holding out his hands on either side of him and looking up like "yeah we are so cool! Worship me!!" Their sound is just generic to me...boring. Then MINISTRY!!!! I LOVE Ministry (do not get me wrong) but when Al came out and started singing he reminded me of a grandpa in a rocking chair. He was holding onto his awesome mic stand and rocking back and forth on it with hunched shoulders. Also it appeared that he had a cold since he kept on spitting and rubbing his nose on his gloves poor guy! I was a little disappointed when they played most of their new album and of course a lot of their Bush bashing songs from their recent albums. Though I was really surprised that they did not play "End Of Days part 2." I thought it would have been a fitting end to the concert if it is truly their last (well in NM any way). It was really cool when they brought out Burton C Bell from Fear Factory though...they never do that in New Mexico!! He pretty much sang through all 3 encores which included "NWO," "So What," "Just One Fix," "Thieves," "Roadhouse Blues" and a Rolling Stones song that I found out later must have been "Under My thumb." For being supposedly their last tour I thought they would have played more older songs. And of course it seems that they will never play "Land of Rape and Honey" at least in New Mexico. I have now been to 4 of their shows and not once did they play it. It was also cool that they released balloons with their new Ministry Logo on them. None floated over to where I was so I just paid $2 for a packet of them. Ehh why not? Also when we got out it seemed like it was midnight but then found out it was only @ 10:30pm. Doors opened @ 6pm. Also as we were walking out the lead singer of Hemlock and another guy from the band were handing out their stickers saying they were free. I thought it was cool that they were actually handing out their own stickers all I could say was "you guys were great!" and he thanked me.

A similar set list to the Albuquerque show. This picture was taken from a blog about an earlier concert: http://blogs.thenewstribune.com/ej/2008/03/30/ministry_

My $2 balloons

Hemlock's free sticker

Foxy Tunes

Whoa very cool...I was listening to "Maybe Tomorrow" while I was writing the Stereophonics post and saw this music icon and I was like what is that? So I clicked on it which put a hyperlink to "Maybe Tomorrow" by Stereophonics from Foxy Tunes. A plugin I installed for Firefox that I haven't really done anything with. I just went to the site and it is cool! Has all this information on Stereophonics, has a direct link to their video for the normal version of the song, and lyrics!! Very cool! But it does not show the "Live from Dakota" version so you should still click on my link under my favourite music video links.

"Maybe Tomorrow (Live from Dakota)" by Stereophonics

I am absolutely obsessed with this song!!! I song IDed it's original version on my phone I am guessing from a TV show maybe "Charmed" and forgot about it. Then last week I went through my song IDs and found it and looked it up. The original version is ehhh okay. I then looked for it on Amazon's MP3s for puchase and found only the live version. I paid for it and at first I thought it was pretty cool but then it completely grew on me a couple of days later. Now I can't stop listening to it. Also someone posted the same performance as a video on YouTube which I have as my first music video in my music video list.

Now playing: Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Last Sucker by Ministry

This album is pretty cool. I especially like "The Dick Song" "Death and Destruction" "Let's Go" "Roadhouse Blues" and "End of Days (pt 2)"

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I bought tickets for Ministry's final tour. I really hope it isn't. Maybe they will pull a Kiss, an Ozzy, etc... The supposedly last album is pretty cool. I like the picture on it. It has George Bush turning into a lizard type thing. I also love the name of the tour...C U LaTour...Brilliant!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Darn Rob Zombie!!

Rob Zombie's rescheduled concert is canceled!! I cannot find any info as to why which really sucks. His website (http://www.robzombie.com/) just doesn't list it so that is no help. Oh well at least hopefully I get my money back. I just hope what ever canceled this passes and he schedules another date here in the near future.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Broken Car...

Well..I got my car back on the 13th of December 2007. I had to pay the full $500 deductible and my insurance company paid $200+. I can't believe the stupid repair shop had it for almost 2 weeks and that it cost soooooo much money!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!! I still haven't put an alarm in it but I will. One good thing that came out of all of this is that I DID NOT MISS Rob Zombie!!!!!!!!! I found out that for some reason his 3 Dec 2007 concert was cancelled!!!!! I have never had a concert cancel on me before and I can't believe it happened on the best time it could have!!!