Saturday, August 2, 2008

M*A*S*H Mistakes

I have been watching a lot of MASH lately because I recently bought this with my mom for my birthday.

I have taken some screen captures using my DVDrom drive and here are the very obvious mistakes I have caught so far:

"Depressing News" Season Nine

It is so obvious!!! How did anyone not notice? Maybe Alan Alda wore them all the time when they were not filming so no one thought twice about them. You'd think he would wear something less obvious just in case he was caught but apparently not. They look like they are Converse which are similar to these ones:
It says these are steel toed from 1975. The Converse logo on Alan Alda's though seem to be all white and his seem to be dark blue mixed with a lighter blue. This picture was taken from WorkingPerson.

"The Yalu Brick Road" Season Eight

This is where you can see the shadow of the boom mic in the lower right corner of all these shots. During the episode you can see it move around so these screen captures don't do it justice.

"Fallen Idol" Season Six

Gary Burghoff's left hand. This isn't a mistake since Gary Burghoff was born this way but sometimes he didn't seem to hide it at all. Of course I never noticed it when I was younger watching the reruns. I never even knew about his hand until much later.